As you can probably tell, I haven’t been keeping up with my blog as I would like to. I’m just not as good at writing as I wish I was and it takes me a long time to write posts, which results in my procrastination because I’m busy. Between social media management for multiple clients, brand and web development, homeschooling and teaching once a week at co-op, sticking to a keto diet and working out, and housework to get ready for my parents to move in with us, there just isn’t any time.
I’ve decided to move forward in a different way. It’s not fully fleshed out yet, but I will be making social media a primary source for content on this blog. Whether it’s YouTube videos, podcasts or just Instagram embeds, I know this is the direction I need to go in to keep Techmomogy alive.
We recently traveled to Disney World for our 12th wedding anniversary and it was amazing. Below are all of our Instagram posts from the trip. Enjoy!
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